Monday, August 18, 2008

Week 9 Thing#23

What an excellent program! I learned so much and I achieved my goal of completing this program before school started. I enjoyed working on each Thing. Some of them I was quite familiar with but not the majority of Things. Even the tools that I had played with, I became more familiar with through this program. For example I had toyed with a blog but had never embedded images and videos into one. So in several cases I was able to take what I already knew and build upon it.

Web 20 can be so overwhelming and difficult to know where and how to start. The format was easy to follow and covered just enough to expand what I already knew, learn new things, and not feel overwhelmed. This program gave the structure and support to make learning happen!

Thank you so much for this opportunity. I look forward to the next 23 things!

Week 9 Thing #22

While I was familiar with Project Gutenberg, the WorldFaire book site was new to me. I was not able to view books without a membership fee. I did spend time on Gutenberg, located a book, read parts online and saw where to download the title. In general, I need books that are not copyright free so I tend not to use Gutenberg too often. Still, i appreciated spending some time on the site. I also liked LibriVox and will use that in the future.

I located a poem in LibriVox and listened to the mp3. I really need to remember that this is another way to access poetry. I listened to a Wrodsworth poem, The Haunted Chamber.

Week 9 Thing #21

I have created podcasts with students for a couple of years now. I have used audacity on the PC and I have used Garageband on the Mac. This year we will be implementing podcasts through the new Mac server with Leopard. I have worked with this yet but I understand that Leopard operating system makes creating podcasts even easier. I look forward to that! I have posted student podcasts on my school website in the past.

Week 9 Thing #20

I have been embedding youtube videos into my wiki burt this is my first try at embedding into a blog. Just as easy I see as embedding into the wiki!

Week 8 Thing #19

I set up LibraryThing and embedded it into the blog and I also looked at Shelfari. LibraryThing seems to have less advertising than Shelfari and seems to draw from a much larger database/catalog. I definitely plan on using this type of tool to promote new books. Both were easy to use, as I am finding with most of these tools.

Week 9 Thing#19
